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  • Writer's pictureGlamBySam

Ted Johnsen

Ted Johnsen is a producer and on-air contributor for The Jason Show, a daily entertainment talk show airing on the Fox affiliate in Minneapolis. He has dressed up as a mermaid, trapeze artist, and Murder She Wrote’s Angela Lansbury, all in the name of making good TV. He’s a native of Wisconsin and has degrees from Drew University in New Jersey and Syracuse University.



What is and how did you decide on your profession?

I am the producer and on-air contributor for The Jason Show, a daily

talk show airing on the Fox affiliate in Minnesota, parts of Wisconsin

and now in Seattle. I’ve always wanted to be in TV news. Before

moving to Minneapolis, I was a video journalist at my alma mater in

New Jersey and interviewed some high-ranking government officials.

When I felt like it was time to move on 8 years ago, I got a job as a

news producer in Minneapolis and lucked into this role because of my

love for reality TV, and more specifically The Bachelor.

Has there ever been a time where you felt you didn’t belong in your


I usually feel like I don’t belong. I’m a creative guy and sometimes my

ideas can be wacky. I’ve gotten used to the weird looks and second

guessing by now. When people are questioning what I’m doing, that’s

probably a good sign.

Has there been a time in your life that you felt you were unworthy?

If I have, I’ve blocked it from my memory!

What are some ways you have overcome adversity?

Whenever I get stressed or think I can’t do something, I focus on the

things I can control. I try to take care of the small things first and then

tackle the more challenging tasks.

When did you learn the importance of self love?

Good question! I think it was a gradual process. I grew up in

Wisconsin, but haven’t lived there since high school. Being away from

home, you learn pretty quickly that you have to like who are. Over

time, I learned to embrace all the quirks about me (accent, lack of

style, etc) and it didn’t matter what other people thought.

How do you promote self-love in others?

By making them laugh and lightening the mood.

What does the Glam By Sam motto ( “Find your glamour within”) mean to


Staying positive and keeping things fresh.

How do you continue to find your glamour within on a daily basis?

Different strategies. Trying new things. I’m taking a comedy course

now. That spices up my life and keeps me laughing. About ten years

ago I started wearing colorful socks. It’s amazing what that small

tweak can do to spruce up the day!

Lastly, I will ask you to leave us with some words of wisdom (your favorite quote, words you live by, your favorite bible verse, etc.) and why those words mean so much to you.

The golden rule. Just be a good person!


These are amazing words to live by, Thank you Ted for sharing your message of Finding your GLAMOUR within and overcoming adversity.



For all things, Anabel Barron Strouse and ONE SWEAT follow

IG: @tedatthenews

TW: @tedatthenews ✨


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