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  • Writer's pictureGlamBySam

June 1st, 2020

As I am sitting down to write this, I struggle with the right words to say or if there are even"right" words that can be spoken right now. The events that have transpired the past few days has gutted me to the point of no words. I am beyond saddened at the fact that our nation is divided more now than ever. I knew my voice and platform needed to be used and heard to promote healing and positivity in this time of darkness.

To start, I want to say that it is the year 2020. It has been 57 years since Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I have a dream" speech, It has been 100 years since women were given the right to vote, and it still feels as if we are taking 1000 steps backward rather than forwards. The color of our skin, sex, religion, ethnicity, and culture are not aspects at which a person should be judged. The sad hard truth is that there are individuals who still believe you are less than simply because of the color of your skin. I may not have ever been judged by the color of my skin but that doesn't mean I don't understand the impact. I may have never witnessed racism but that doesn't mean it's not around. Out of sight, out of mind does not work for issues of racism. It's sad, it's heartbreaking, and ultimately it's disappointing. It's disappointing that we as individuals aren't doing better to make EVERY individual feel accepted, heard, and understood. It's uncomfortable that we live in a generation of the most advanced technology and science but we can't understand the simple concept of loving one another regardless of how you look. I stand to end racism, I stand to make sure no individual is ever made feel that they are less than for their god-given characteristics, body, and appearance, and I stand to continue the fight to end discrimination of any kind. This isn't okay, we are human beings with feelings, families, and dreams. We are individuals who simply want to conquer this world rather than drown in it. We are all equal.

Lastly, I want to make one thing very clear. The way you choose to cope, mourn, handle, or "deal with" the recent events in our country is 100% up to you. Whether you post on social media or join in the peaceful protests on the streets, it's up to you. At the end of the day, I am not looking at your social media to see your stance and heart, I am coming to you. I am judging based on how you live your everyday life and make the change in your community. This isn't a social media movement, this is a movement in general and you should spread and encourage the way you choose to. In times of heartache and disappointment, I turn to my religion and faith to guide me, to ease my anxiety and clear my path... that's how I choose to heal. What I don't stand for is the vandalism, rioting, ruining of cities, businesses, or land and I have yet to see any influencers, celebrities, or anyone on my social media encourage it.

I never thought I would have to write a post about something that should be assumed and easy for everyone to understand. I am saddened, heartbroken, and lost but I will never understand the true feelings that others do. I stand with those who want to see a change and want it now.

You are heard and supported.



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