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Feature Friday


Yes, you read right. Glam By Sam has a big and exciting announcement! Over the past few weeks I have been working on a project with my closest friends, role models, and inspiration. Glam By Sam will be hosting a segment called "Feature Friday". In this segment, you will read/watch different individuals speak about their story and journey towards self love and finding their glamour within.

These are stories you DON'T want to miss!

This is a project I hold so close to my heart, not only because some of my closest family and friends will be participating but because each and every individual shares a part of their life that is so unique and vulnerable. It's not easy to speak about self love.

Sometimes you're on top of the world and other days, you're under it.

In these features, you will hear real people talk about how they found self love and continue to.


To start off, I will speak about my journey. If you follow me, you know I have written about finding self love and how that corresponds with my healthy living choices. In this blog, I am going to follow the same format each speaker will follow. I will answer questions that are true and authentic to myself.

How did you decide on your profession?

This is an easy question with a pretty straight forward answer.

I want to help others.

I started Glam by Sam as a way to be a voice and help others "Find their glamour within". In this day and age it is so easy to get wrapped up in judging. Judging others and judging yourself. I wanted to help others be the best version of themselves but also support and uplift others who simply want to do the same. As far as my long term profession, being a reconstructive plastic surgeon is passion I have had for a while. Along the same lines of helping others but this time a little different. I want to help those who have been born with or who have suffered an accident that has cause some kind of deformity whether its domestic violence victims, children born with cleft palate, or whatever the case may be. I want to help others feel confident and beautiful.

When did you learn the importance of self love?

This is a topic I touch on a lot! Growing up my mom always stressed the importance of self love. As I got older, I kinda forgot that this was an important aspect in my life. I loved myself but I didn't practice it. I didn't put healthy food into my body to give it the nutrition and inside love it deserved. I didn't take time to focus on my mental or spiritual health. Once I started my healthy eating and living, I started to feel good. I wanted to give my body everything it needed so in turn it would be fueled for my lifestyle change. It wasn't until I made this change that I truly started to love myself and my body from the inside out.

If you could tell your younger self one thing about self love, what would it be?

Ooof. So MUCH. The biggest advice I give to the younger generation about self love is that there is no handbook on it. We all have different tactics and methods to self love and NONE of them are wrong.

Self love is about showing yourself and your body the love it needs, about being the best version of yourself.

There is not right or wrong way to do it. Sometimes for me self love is using a good hair mask and doing my nails. Other days it's leaning into my faith and God a little more. It doesn't matter how you do it. Just that you do it! Give your body the love it deserves GIRL!

Has there ever been a moment in your life where you felt unworthy, what was it?

ABSOLUTLEY! I would be lying if I said otherwise. There is nothing wrong with admitting this. I use it as a learning and growing tool. I remember the feeling of unworthiness and made the promise to never allow someone, something, or even myself make me feel that way again. We all have at some point felt unworthy. Whether it's because of the little guy in your head saying you're not enough or someone else, we've all experienced it. For me, I experienced this when I was competing in pageants. I constantly told myself I wasn't enough. It wasn't until my last year of eligibility that I finally told myself I was just as worthy as any other contestant.

It's okay to have moments of self doubt, it's not okay to limit yourself because of them.

How do you encourage and promote self love to other?

I am doing it right now! I use Glam BY Sam, my social media, and even my voice in public to spread this message. I find the best way is to simply speak your truth and story. Being able to relate to someone on any type of level helps to understand that you're not alone and you too can make the change. Some celebrities I look up to to remind myself to love myself are Khloe Kardashian, Olivia Culpo, and Winnie Harlow. Each powerful and influential women but so true to who they are and their message.

Living in a time where social media can have such an influence on our lives, use it to empower and uplift.

It's important to remind everyone that we are human and the only standards you should follow are the ones you set for yourself.

What does the Glam By Sam motto (“find your glamour with”) mean to you?

My motto "Find your glamour within" means so much to me. When I came up with it, I wanted phrase that could apply to everyone. Not just females or the younger generation because quite frankly, self love doesn't just apply to females or the younger generation. I wanted something that each and every individual could apply to themselves but also make what they wanted out of it. Anytime I ask someone what "Find your glamour within" means to them, I get a different answer. Sometime's it's to set my own standards as to what beauty is and sometimes it's a reminder to take time out of my day to love myself.

Whatever it is, its powerful and diverse for everyone.

How do you find your glamour within on a daily basis?

Everyday it changes depending on what I need. Lately, self love has been turning off the news and spending time with myself. Self care has also been a big part of my routine. Face masks, hair masks, jamming out to my boss girl playlists, these are ways I find my glamour within but its not always the same. What does stay the same is my commitment to finding my glamour on a daily basis.

It's so easy to get wrapped up in other things and forget that you are a priority but now more than every, cherish yourself so you can cherish others.

A quote I live by~

"Empowered Women, Empower Women"

This quote reminds me to appreciate other women, for we are all in this together. True beauty is being able to acknowledge another woman's.




Stay tuned for Feature Friday every Friday ✨


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