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Ernesto & Levi


A 21st-century love story that gives you all the feels. Multitalented and all-around inspirational power couple Ernesto and Levi not only have their own individual self-love stories but the story of how they continue to push the other to practice the importance of self-love and care is inspiring.



How did you meet?

We met through tinder! Levi was my first swipe right on the app actually. For three months we talked over the phone every day during the summer of 2016 because we were in different places. We finally physically met in August even though we swiped in May!

What is your profession and how did you decide on it?

Ernesto: I’m a professional dancer! I specifically focus on musical theatre. It was a very late and impulsive decision during my senior year of high school. I loved dancing and performing and thought if I want to try and do this professionally it’s now or never. I don’t want to have any regrets, and I’m so glad I did just that.

Levi: I am an Elementary Art Teacher. I have always had a love for the arts which led me to get a BFA from Pratt Institute. My major was in Photography, but I quickly fell in love with the Art & Design Education department at my school. This led me to pursue a minor in Art & Design Education and continuing to work in the field of post-graduation.

What is your favorite part of your profession?

Ernesto: There is no better feeling than being on stage and smiling because you get to do what you love every night. What makes it even better is the impact you may leave on the audience. You can only hope to bring joy and a message to the audience and when you successfully do that and have fun at the same time, there’s no better feeling.

Levi: Working alongside children is by far my favorite part of my profession. They are by far the best artists and they remind you to have fun and smile. And to never stop asking questions, of course! Sharing my love for art, while working towards creating equitable art education for my kids keeps my heart full.

What are some qualities you admire in each other?

Ernesto: Levi’s ambition, talent, and heart are some things I have always and will always admire about him. Watching the attention and detail he puts into his art is incredible and when you see the end result it leaves you feeling different, inspired, and just in awe really. And if his ambition and talent aren’t enough his heart is. When I first met him he wouldn’t even kill a bug, instead, he would grab it and take it outside. If that doesn’t say how big his heart is then I don’t know what does!

Levi: Ernesto’s drive, perseverance, and capabilities are some of the many things that I admire about him. When he puts his head to something, he does not give up until he perfects it. This carries on to his profession for sure. He is not satisfied easily and that is not a bad thing. It keeps him looking the best out of everyone on stage! There will never be a day where I get tired of seeing him do what he loves.

When did each of you learn about the importance of self-love?

Ernesto: I don’t think there was a specific moment when I learned about it but rather it was a journey and a series of events. As a performing artist, you’re constantly being compared to others. Whether it’s at an audition, in a show, or somewhere else. And on top of the comparisons, you constantly hear no. You go to hundreds of auditions and you get told no an incredible amount of times, and you never really know why you’re being told no. These comparisons and no’s are just some examples that helped me to realize that I need to love myself and recognize my worth because some days I am definitely going to have to love myself a little harder than other days to get through.

Levi: I feel like I definitely grasped the idea of self-love while I was still in high school. Being gay certainly played a huge role in this. I spent a lot of time trying to fit in with other people in my school and even my surroundings in general. It took a lot to become comfortable in my own skin and to truly allow myself to love who I really am. But, I knew it was necessary to love myself in order to keep going and thrive in life.

What are some ways the other has helped you grow your self-love?

Ernesto: There is not a day that goes by that Levi doesn’t tell me he loves me. I am so grateful for that. I know that if I am going to love him and accept his love, I have to love myself first. The love Levi gives me is all the reminder I need to know that I need to keep growing and working on self-love. Every day with him is a reminder whether it’s through his acts of showing me love, our conversations, our adventures, or whatever!

Levi: To start, Ernesto calls me beautiful and handsome so many times in one day! Along with many compliments, Ernesto is always keeping me full of positive affirmations. He truly is my biggest cheerleader and he is constantly reminding me what I am capable of.

How do you make sure your partner takes time to focus on their self-love?

We’re always encouraging each other. We know each other really well and we constantly have each other’s support. So it can be simple things like “hey, let’s go on a walk” or just asking what do you need? Reminding them, that on days when it gets hard and you’re struggling to find that self-love, I’ll be here to hold you up and cheer you on because when you’re winning I’m winning.

Has there ever been a moment in your life where you felt unworthy, what was it?

Ernesto: Definitely. I think there have been a few moments but the one that sticks out most was when I graduated from school in New York and began the audition process. The audition process started off really well. I was making it to the last round and getting good feedback, and on top of that, I felt great about my abilities as a performer! But for some reason, I never got the job. This continued on for about six months where it was just no after no and eventually I just stopped auditioning and got lost in work and the hustle of New York City. I definitely lost my drive as a performer and felt I wasn’t meant to be in this business. Had I not gone home on vacation after a few months of not auditioning and remembered my roots of where I fell in love with dance, I don’t think I would’ve ever come back to dance. I’m so glad I was able to go back to El Paso during that time. About two weeks after coming back to the city I booked my first job and have been blessed enough to not stop booking since then.

How do you encourage and promote self-love to others?

Ernesto: Self-love is not a one size fits all. Every person is different and realizing that everyone is different is important to me. To encourage and promote self-love to others I think you need to spread love yourself, and remind everyone that above all you are always there if you need them. It may be a bumpy road, it’s definitely not always going to be easy, but it’ll feel amazing when you start getting to that light at the end of the tunnel.

Levi: I have to agree with Ernesto about how spreading love is the best way to promote self-love in others. I try to spread love as much as I can, even if it is not my brightest day. Self-love can be a difficult journey and if you can help provide positivity to someone on a day they’re not feeling so great regardless of where they are in their journey, then that’s a great thing.

What does the Glam By Sam motto (“find your glamour within”) mean to you?

We love the concept of finding your glamour within because within you is someone beautiful and completely different from any other person in the world. Nobody is the same as you and that alone makes you special. Finding your glamour within is already a reminder that you’re special and now you get to go on a journey to find out just what exactly you love about yourself. So shoutout to Sam for creating a platform that reminds people that you are already amazing on the inside and out, and that it’s okay to keep searching to find what else you love about yourself.

How do you find your glamour within on a daily basis?

Ernesto: I think the keyword here is daily. Every day is a different day so you have to be open to always changing what you feel glam in! As a dancer some days for me my glam is cute sweatpants and a hat because I can’t show up to rehearsals in a new blazer and loafers. And that’s okay! I’ll save the blazer for the opening night of a show.

Levi: I’m a little more outgoing compared to Ernesto when it comes to dressing up. I helped him discover what form-fitting jeans are whereas he helped me discover that you can feel cute in sweatpants. We really feel it’s all about figuring out what you need for your day and how to feel your best on the inside and out to tackle your day. This means that feeling glam is not limited to things like clothes, facemasks, and painting your toes a new color. Glam can also be starting your day with your favorite coffee and surrounding yourself with home décor, art, and plants that make you feel good.

During the COVID 19 pandemic, who or what do you turn to as a way to maintain positivity, clarity, and motivation?

This pandemic has definitely been tricky for all of us. We turn to each other for maintaining positivity, clarity, and motivation. We have to since we’re in this quarantine together 24/7! We also have two cats, Chimichanga and Esponja, to turn to! I personally turn to my faith, my mom, and my sisters. I love talking to my family whether it's sending funny pictures through group chats with my sisters, or face timing my mom. I also love to pop in headphones and dance in the living room or workout. Whereas, Levi loves to hop on his bike and go for a bike ride and find something new. He’s always talking to his friends and family throughout the day so that definitely helps too. There is always something or someone there for us and we’re so lucky to have that!

Lastly, I will ask you to leave us with some words of wisdom (your favorite quote, words you live by, your favorite bible verse, etc.) and why those words mean so much to you.

Ernesto: “Guide me Lord as I dance through life.” This is something I have tattooed on the inside of my right foot. It’s just a reminder that no matter what I have God guiding me on this journey and to just keep dancing with God by my side through all the good and bad that may be thrown my way.

Levi: “to live is the rarest thing in the world, most people exist, that is all.” –Oscar Wilde. I heard this quote a long time ago. It had a huge impact on me and still resonates with me today because time is fleeting and I think it is important to truly live life and make the most out of it that we can.


These are amazing words to live by, thank you, Ernesto & Levi, for sharing your message of finding your glamour within and being true to who you are.



For all things, Ernesto & Levi check out,

IG: @ernesto__olivas @leviscotthowser

Levi's website:


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